When can you exercise after refractive cataract surgery?
Can you exercise after refractive cataract surgery in Wales? Learn how long you should wait before you return to your workout...
Can you exercise after refractive cataract surgery in Wales? Learn how long you should wait before you return to your workout...
How soon can you see refractive cataract surgery results? Mohammed Muhtaseb speaks about when you'll start to see results...
What if you've already had cataract surgery and now want to get rid of your glasses? Exchanging your lens is risky, but there is another option...
When it comes to having refractive cataract surgery or refractive lens exchange, patients need to choose between the lens implant types. Learn more...
Many people worry that they could go blind from having refractive cataract surgery. Mohammed Muhtaseb addresses this risk. Learn more...
What is FLACS and how does it benefit cataract surgery patients? Discover the advantages of this procedure and how it works...